Management, Leadership, and Titles

I was talking with a client recently about his frustration that his company wasn’t putting him in leadership roles.  As we chatted, it became apparent that what he meant was that he was frustrated about not getting promoted.  It is fine to want to get promoted and achieve the social and visible markers of success, but confusing it with leadership leaves you in a grey zone.

At the end of the day, you are a leader if people want to follow you, and that doesn’t require a title to achieve. So if you are frustrated about not being a leader in your organization, figure out why people don’t want to follow you – if you are a leader, your title and position won’t matter.  If you want the title, work for the title. Get to know the rest of the management team, demonstrate your contributions clearly and visibly, and deliver on financial results.  Oh, and while you are at it, be a great leader, regardless of your title.  That in my experience is the best way to get promoted.

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