Being brave in the workplace

We often talk about ethics, values, and trust in the workplace. These words have become a part of many change management efforts, of marketing campaigns, and of employee brand campaigns. But what about bravery? It takes brave people to act ethically, to hold to values, and both be trustworthy and to trust colleagues. How do we look for brave people, put them in the right places, and let them shine?

It is tricky, because brave people often cause conflict, are seen as reckless, or risk takers. Bravery isn’t a convenient trait, one that only gets exercised when it is useful. It comes out at inopportune times as well, and sometimes causes trouble just when management is looking for peace and quiet. But without it, all the ethics, values, and trust statements in the world won’t get us far. Think about it the next time someone takes a brave stand on something.


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