Build infrastructure to support emerging conversations

The infrastructure for dialog is important as well. It forms the backbone through which conversations happen, and provides a platform for connection between people in the organization. Getting the infrastructure right is important, but not at the expense of the other dimensions.  Unfortunately, many companies focus on infrastructure to the exclusion of other areas because it is easy to understand, measure, and account for, but then it often fails because the other areas have not been nurtured.

Some things to consider in building infrastructure include:

  1. Create and institutionalize conversation based strucures and systems
  2. Identify and deal openly with cultural preferences for knowledge sharing and co-creation. Realize that the cultural preferences may be different than any individual preference.
  3. Invest in solid technologies that support conversation and collaboration
  4. Enhance mechanizms and technologies to port information across networks
  5. Support employees seeking new practice communities and sharing


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